***This episode of Bowl After Bowl was originally published March 30, 2015. The title and notes have been republished as originally written***

We sat down with Deputy Director Jacob Skowronski of Western Missouri NORML. Jacob joined us on our adventure to Cannabis Cup. During the episode, news broke that late auditor Tom Schweich’s spokesman, Spence Jackson, was found dead in his apartment.

***This episode of Bowl After Bowl was originally published March 24, 2015. The title and notes have been republished as originally written***

United we stand, divided we fall. All are welcome in our movement, for there is strength in diversity. Mid-Missouri NORML hosted its second general membership meeting featuring a presentation from Show-Me Cannabis Research Director Aaron Malin about the shadiness of Missouri’s drug task forces (http://show-mecannabis.com/2015/02/report/). Unable to make our meetings? Join a committee and donate your skills when possible. For more info, tune in or shoot an email to info@midmonorml.org.

***This episode of Bowl After Bowl was originally published March 13, 2015. The title and notes have been republished as originally written***

Episode 024 is dedicated to the memory of our friend Big Rob. In this episode we talk about Mid-MO NORML’s recent scotch tasting fundraiser at the Grand Cru. We also give you a legislative update on pending cannabis-related bills at the capitol and discuss recent developments in Columbia’s First Ward city council race.